lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Tarea corregible 5º.

¡¡Bonjour mes enfants!! Comment ça va?

Cette semaine vous devez réaliser une activité pour me l'envoyer. Courage!!
Esta semana tenéis que realizar una actividad para enviármela. ¡¡Ánimo!!

Os adjunto aquí el documento. Recordad que, de las 3 actividades que propongo, 2 las podéis hacer de manera interactiva, y 1 debe ser en el cuaderno. El que lo necesite, puede realizar las 3 en el cuaderno, ya que he copiado las imágenes.

Bonne chance!! Gros bisoussss!!

25th - 29th May

Hello everyone!
What about your weeekend? I hope you are all fine! 
This week we will work with the new vocabulary related to trips and the grammar for talk about the future. 
Let's go!

1. First step. Vocabulary
You have to practise the new vocabulary that you can find in your Pupil's Book, pages 52 and 54. Then work in the following worksheet. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words.
2. Second step. Grammar.
Now, let's review grammar. 

Here you are a video that will help you to understand better. 

Also, you can watch the videos on the blog of last week. 

Reading and writing.
You can practice with the following worksheet. You can do it! 💪😉

3. Third step. Passport.
If you want to travel all over the world, the most important thing you need is... a passport! 
So let's make one of them!
Here you are a model, but you can draw it as you like. (It is from a "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs")
(It is not necessary that you complete all the sheets).
Art and craft.

4. Fourth step. Game.
Good job! Now it is time to play! Enjoy yourself!

That is all! Well done! 😊

25th - 29th May

Hi everyone! 😊
What about your weekend? I hope you are all fine! 
This week we are going to learn a new vocabulary: School Subjects.
It is very easy! You already know it!
And let's work on the new grammar.: To be - simple past (was/were).
On your marks, get set, go!

1. First step. Vocabulary. 
Open your Pupil's Book at page 62 and look at activity 9. We are going to review some words related to school subjects. 
I have prepared this presentation for you:

(La mayoría de las veces, "Sport" es conocido en inglés como "PE", en referencia a "Physical Education". Del mismo modo, para hablar de informática, se suele utilizar IT o ITC).

2. Activities. Listening, speaking and writing.
Ok! Let's practice! Work on the following worksheets.

Well done! 👍 Now listen the following video about subjects and ajectives we learnt last week. 

3. Third step. Grammar.
You have practiced the to be verb in past tense. We work on affirmative and negative forms above all. 
What about if we practice the interrogative form? 

OK! Let's watch a video about it: 

Finally, we are going to work on the next worksheet. Come on!

4. Fourth step. Games.
Excellent! Good job!! Now it's time to play! 😉 Enjoy yourself! 
Click on "Press".


Semana 10. 4º

Semana 10. 3º

Semana 10. 2º

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Français 5ème

¡¡Bonjour à tous!!

Como he recibido algún correo vuestro, os comento un par de cosas por aquí a todos. Esta semana como habéis visto, no he compartido tarea de francés. Habéis trabajado muy bien estos meses y os habéis esforzado mucho, así que sólo nos queda una tarea final que me tendréis que enviar.

La semana que viene colgaré por aquí unas fichas interactivas y tareas que realizaréis y compartiréis conmigo, como tarea corregible. Este fin de semana podéis repasar el contenido que hemos trabajado este curso, para realizar la tarea a lo largo de la semana que viene (tendréis hasta el domingo 31 de mayo).

Va a ser muy sencilla y además, ¡¡vosotros sois unos campeones en francés!!
Gros bisous et bon week-end!!!

Soluciones semana 9. 4º

Soluciones semana 9. 3º

Soluciones semana 9. 2º

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Tarea corregible 3º francés

Bonjour à tous!! 

Ayer tuve un problema con Drive a la hora de subir el documento, pero hoy ya me deja, ¡¡por fin!! Por aquí os dejo la tarea de francés que tenéis que hacer esta semana y enviármela (ya sea a través de las fichas interactivas online, o a mi correo electrónico). La tercera actividad la tenéis que hacer en el cuaderno y enviarme una foto, ya que no tiene enlace.

¡¡Espero que paséis una buena semana!! Os mando un beso enorme.

Tarea corregible 4º Francés

Bonjour à tous!! 

Ayer tuve un problema con Drive a la hora de subir el documento, pero hoy ya me deja, ¡¡por fin!! Por aquí os dejo la tarea de francés que tenéis que hacer esta semana y enviármela (ya sea a través de las fichas interactivas online, o a mi correo electrónico). La tercera actividad la tenéis que hacer en el cuaderno y enviarme una foto, ya que no tiene enlace.

¡¡Espero que paséis una buena semana!! Os mando un beso enorme.

Enlace a fichas interactivas:$_II_pd537330ui

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

18th - 22nd May

Hello everyone! 😊
How are you today? I hope you are all fine! 
This week we are going to study the fantastic world of... BOOKS!!!! 
I am sure that you'll love it!
1. First step. Vocabulary.
I have prepared a presentation for you. I hope you like it!

Do you like it? You know there are exciting, funny, interesting books! Let's practise about it! 
Open your Pupil's Book at page 60 and pay attention to activity 2. Listen and read. (Remember you can use your digital books too).

OK! Now let's try one more. Open your book at page 61 and look at activity 5. Listen and answer the question in your notebook. 
If you don't understand, you can listen as many times as you need.

We are going to try this skill: speaking.
2. Second step. Grammar.
Now, let's review the new grammar: to be - past simple
Here you are a presentation about it: 


Let's work on it. Reading.

I'm going to explain it to you: 
1. Read the text and circle true or false.
2. Answer the questions and draw a picture abouit it. 
3. Read and circle the correct word
4. Find the mistake ("error") and write the correct form. 

You can print or write in your notebook. 

(Recordad que podéis consultar todas vuestras dudas a través de nuestro correo electrónico: 

3. Third step. Writing.

What's your favourite book? 📘 And your favourite writer? ✏
Tell me! 😀 Use the new vocabulary that we have learnt in this unit.


4. Fourth step. Game.

 Good job!!! Now it's time to play. Have a good time!

18th - 22nd May

Hello everyone!
This week we will work on the new topic: trips

In this travel, we will do different activities that I hope you like. 

1. First step. Vocabulary.
Let´s start learning new vocabulary related to trips. It will be useful if you travel to other country. For example: 

Also, you can learn the new vocabulary in your Pupil's Books page 54 (remeber you can use your digital books too). 
They are different funny actities you can enjoy in a theme park. 

2. Vocabulary Activities. Listening, speaking and reading.

Now, let's practise with the following worksheet.

Audios. In the next activity, we're going to work with some audios. Listen and complete in your notebook with the correct word.
Good job! Finally, let's watch some videos and complete activities about them. 


1. You are going to watch a short one-minute called MOVE which shows clips of 11 countries visited by Andrew Lees in 44 days. You should watch the film and try to name as many of the countries as possible. The clips are very fast, so it will be necessary to watch the film at least twice.

Now answer: 
A. Imagine that you can travel to 11 countries in 44 days, which countries will you visit?
B. What will you do in each country?
C. Which countries have you visited?
D. What are they famous for?

2.You are going to watch the second film LEARN in which Andrew learns different things in each country. You should watch the film and spot which things he learns.

A. What you can learn to do in each of the countries?
For example, you can learn to dance tango in Argentina or you can
learn to make paella in Spain. 

B. What things does he learn?
C. Which of the things you would most like to learn to do?

3. You are going to watch the third film EAT in which Andrew tries typical dishes in each country.

A. Can you identify some dishes or ingredients?
B. What foods and dishes are typical in your country?

3. Grammar. Writing.
Let's finish with a worksheet related to the new grammar.

Well done! You did a really god job! 💪😉

Semana 9. 4º

Semana 9. 2º

Semana 9. 3º

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Final Task 5º

Hi everyone! 😉
Here you are your fantastic final tasks!!!  😁 👏👏👏
Good job! You are excellent students!! 💗

Final Task: Shopping

Programación francés 6º

Bonjour à tous!!! ça va?? aujourd'hui on va réviser des contenus!!

 ¿Qué tal chicos/as? ¡hoy vamos a repasar contenido importante de francés, que tenéis que controlar bien para el instituto!

Tendremos esta semana entera para realizarla y repasar, ya que la semana que viene os propondré una tarea para que me la enviéis y pueda ver las dudas o dificultades que vais encontrando. On y va!!

1) Repaso de los verbos REGULARES (-er). La tarea que propongo en el vídeo NO ES PARA VOSOTROS. El vídeo es únicamente para repasar cómo se conjugan los verbos terminados en -ER.

2) Sopa de letras. El siguiente enlace tiene una sopa de letras con muchos verbos que terminan en -ER, unos los hemos dado en clase y otros son nuevos (en total son 17). Enlace: 

3) Con los verbos nuevos, vais a tener que hacer "nuage de vocabulaire" (nube de vocabulario) añadiendo los verbos nuevos que aparecen, e investigar su significado.

4) Y para ponerlo en práctica, os dejo un par de fichas interactivas. Podéis enviármelas, o darles a "corregir mis errores" para ver en qué habéis tenido dificultades, como vosotros queráis.

Ficha 1:
Ficha 2:

*OPCIONAL: En el blog que trabajamos tanto en clase (francés hasta en la sopa) hay un juego muy divertido para poner en práctica esto, ¡os dejo el link!

Juego: Https://

À bientôt!! Gros bisoussss!!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

11th-13th May

Good morning everyone!!😊
How are you today? Are you ready for a funny English class? Let's go! 

This week we are going to review the new vocabulary and work on the new grammar: to be verb - past

1. First step. Vocabulary.
Let 's review the vocabulary we learnt last week. 
Here you are a presentation I hope you like it: 

And here you are the cards we use for your notebook (you can print or draw it).

2. Second step. Listening and writing.
And now let's practise! You have to listen and complete:
3. Third step. Grammar. 

In this unit we are going to study the past of to be verb. (Vamos a estudiar el verbo "to be" en pasado"). It's very easy! I have prepared a presentation for you:

3. Third step. I offer you some schemes and videos


4. Fourth step. Writing.  
It's time to practise! Let's work on this activity. You can do it!
5. Fifth step. Game. 
I have prepared this game for you. I hope you like it!


That's all for this week! Good job! 😊

Semana 8. 4º

Semana 8. 3º

11th - 13th May

Good morning everyone! 😊
How are you today? Are you ready for a funny English class? Let's go! 

This week we are going to work on the new vocabulary related to cities and grammar: the future (will)

1. First step. Vocabulary.
Let 's review the vocabulary we learnt last week. 
Listening and reading.

2. Second step. Grammar.
Now we are going to work on the new grammar.

Please, watch the following video that will help you to understand.
Video and presentations. 

And you can practise and have fun with these presentations: 

3. Third step. Activities.
Work on the following activities related to the new grammar.

Watch the video and answer the questions.

4. Fourth step. Game.
Good job! It's enough for this week. Now you can play this game. Enjoy!


Semana 8. 2º

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

4th - 8th May

Hello everyone!
What about your long weekend? 😊  Have you rest? I hope so!

This week we are going to start a new unit. Unit 7: School

We are going to start learning the new vocabulary and working on a review of the to be verb.

Are you ready? Let's go! 

1. First step. Vocabulary.
Let's learn about new vocabulary related to adjectives.
Here you are some videos and schemes: 



Listening.Now open your Pupil's Book page 60 and look at activity 3. Try to match each word with the correct picture. Next, listen and check.

Reading. Good job! Let's practice! Work on the following interactive worksheets an send me your answers. Let's go!

1. Crossword. 
2. Who is who? Read and choose the correct name.          

Writing. Finally, we are going to draw... a monster! And you have to describe it. You can use all the adjectives you want. These are some useful adjectives: 

Here you are some examples, but you can do it as you like. Use your imagination!


1. Draw a monster. 
2. Describe it. Use as many adjectives as you can. 
3. Send me your monster by email! 

2. Second step. Grammar.
This week we are going to review the to be verb. Come on, you can do it!

Here you are some videos

Reading and writing. And finally, let's practice!💪          

That's all! Good job! 😊

4th - 8th May

Hello everyone!
What about your long weekend? 😊  Have you rest? I hope so!

This week we are going to start a new unit. Unit 6: Trips

We are going to start learning the new vocabulary and working on a grammar: the future.

Are you ready? Let's go! 

1. First step. Vocabulary. 
Open your Pupil's Book at page 52. Think: what places in town do you know? For example, cinema, circus, theatre, shops, shopping centre, chemist, newsagent... do you remember? 
In this unit, we are going to learn new words related to places in a city
Here you are a simple presentation about it: 

As always, here you are the words description. You can print the worksheet or write it in your notebook. 

Listening. Now work on activity 3. Look the pictures and try to match them with the correct word. Then listen and check. 
Pay attention to the words pronunciation.

And look at activity 2. Listen and read. Where did Angela go?

Good job! Let's practice on it. Try the next worksheet, it's very easy!:

2. Second step. Grammar. 
In this unit we are going to study the future. For this, we use WILL. 
So, we use WILL to talk about the future.

For example: 

He will go to the cinema. 

He won't go to the cinema. 

Will he go to the cinema? 

Yes, he will / No, he won't

Videos. Here you are some videos about it: 

Activities. Do you want to practise? Don't worry. This week the activities will be very easy.          
Finally, work on your notebook and share your answers by Drive. Don't work quickly. Think your sentences carefully.